Website Integrations

RepairPal offers several options for partners to integrate together, giving consumers access to RepairPal's car care resources. Take a peek at what RepairPal offers, whether we are featured on your website, or fully integrated through API connection.

  • Consumer Landing Page (hosted by partner's website)
  • Consumer Landing Page (hosted by RepairPal's website)
  • API Integration via website
  • API + App Integration

There are several ways partners can be integrated with RepairPal within your website. We use cookies and tracking to support our website & applications. In other words, if a user comes from your website and books an appointment, or a co-branded landing page and books an appointment, it is a lead that came from you. We track this information to make sure partners are getting credit for the leads they bring in.

In this article, we will highlight how partners utilize website integrations.


Consumer referral partner

  1. Menu Header. When navigating to, users can search for a repair options by selecting More> Service & Repairs from the main menu
  2. Consumer Landing Page (hosted on partner's website). Service & Repairs navigates to an information page, highlighting RepairPal as a trusted CarMax partner. By selecting Find a Shop Near You, users are directed to the co-branded landing page, hosted by RepairPal.
  3. Co-Branded Landing Page (hosted on RepairPal's website). Partners with a co-branded landing page have the ability to send consumers to their dedicated search page, where consumers can search schedule a repair online,

Nationwide Report

Consumer referral parter

  1. Menu Header. When navigating to, users can find search for repairs by selecting the Find a Repair Center on their main menu, or on the home page.
  2. Consumer Landing Page (hosted on partner's website). Find a Repair Center navigates to a featured RepairPal information page,
  3. API integration. You will notice they have integrated our API so users can search for a repair shop on their hosted website,

Consumer Reports

Consumer referral parter

  1. Menu Header Link. When navigating to, users can find Car Repair Shop Ratings by selecting Car Repair Shops from the main menu.
  2. Consumer Landing Page (hosted on partner's website). Car Repair Shops navigates to a page featuring information about Car Repair Shop Ratings, where users can filter the best shops nearby.


VSC consumer referral partner

  1. Menu Header Link. When navigating to, users can find Find a Repair Facility by selecting Consumers> Find a Repair Facility from the main menu.
  2. Consumer Landing Page (hosted on partner's website). Find a Repair Facility navigates to a featured RepairPal information page, By selecting Find a Repair Facility Near You, users are directed to the co-branded landing page, hosted by RepairPal.
  3. Co-Branded Landing Page (hosted on RepairPal's website). Partners with a co-branded landing page have the ability to send consumers to their dedicated search page, where consumers can search schedule a repair online,


Telematics consumer referral partner

  1. API + App Integration. The FIXD app uses telematics to download information from the OBDII port from a vehicle. With the code, users are given information about the issue with their vehicle, and have the option to get an estimate cost of the repair, as well as locate a nearby Certified RepairPal shop.
  2. Consumer Landing Page (hosted on partner's website). RepairPal is featured on an information page to direct consumers to schedule a repair online,
  3. API integration. You will notice they have integrated our API so users can search for a repair shop on their hosted website,
  4. Co-Branded Landing Page (hosted on RepairPal's website). Partners with a co-branded landing page have the ability to send consumers to their dedicated search page, where consumers can search schedule a repair online,


VSC consumer referral partner

  1. Menu Header Link. When navigating to, users can locate Find a Repair Center by selecting Contract Holder Resources from the main menu.
  2. API Integration. Find a Repair Center navigates to a featured RepairPal Certified Facility search page, You will notice they have integrated our API so users can search for a repair shop on their hosted website.
  3. Co-Branded Landing Page (hosted on RepairPal's website). Partners with a co-branded landing page have the ability to send consumers to their dedicated search page, where consumers can search schedule a repair online,

Sentry Auto Care

VSC consumer referral partner

  1. Featured Information (hosted on partner's website). Sentry Auto Care has integrated RepairPal to the Home Page of their website, The link on the homepage navigates to the co-branded landing page, hosted on RepairPal's website.
  2. Co-Branded Landing Page (hosted on RepairPal's website). Partners with a co-branded landing page have the ability to send consumers to their dedicated search page, where consumers can search schedule a repair online,

VSC consumer referral partner

  1. Menu Header Link. When navigating to, users can locate Find a Repair Center from the main menu.
  2. API Integration. Find a Repair Center navigates to a featured RepairPal Certified Facility search page, . You will notice they have integrated our API so users can search for a repair shop on their hosted website.
  3. Co-Branded Landing Page (hosted on RepairPal's website). Partners with a co-branded landing page have the ability to send consumers to their dedicated search page, where consumers can search schedule a repair online,

Alpha Warranty

VSC consumer referral partner

  1. Featured Information (hosted on partner's website). Alpha Warranty has integrated RepairPal to the Home Page of their website, Users are prompted to select Find a Repair Facility.
  2. API Integration. Find a Repair Facility navigates to a featured RepairPal Certified Facility search page, You will notice they have integrated our API so users can search for a repair shop, which begins on their hosted website, and ends on RepairPal's hosted co-branded website, so users are able to find more information about shops, specialities, etc.
  3. Co-Branded Landing Page (hosted on RepairPal's website). Partners with a co-branded landing page have the ability to send consumers to their dedicated search page, where consumers can search schedule a repair online,